Dr. Terri L. Needels PhD is a licensed clinical psychologist in Honolulu, HI with over 39 years of experience specializing in families, couples, and teens.
Duke University, Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology, 1981
University of Pennsylvania, M.S. Psychological Services, 1979, Concentration in Counseling Psychology
University of California at Santa Barbara, B.A. Experimental Psychology, 1978, Summa Cum Laude
Independent Practice, 1983 - Present, Honolulu, HI
Provides psychotherapy services as a Licensed Clinical Psychologist to children, adolescents, adults and families. Specializes in: adolescents, couples and family therapy; grief and bereavement; custody, adoption, and step- family issues; women's issues; and psychological-medical-legal cases.
Psychology Medical Consultant, Disability Determination Branch, 1998 - Present, Honolulu, HI
Psychology Consultant, Mid-Pacific Institute, Family Court of Hawaii, Hawaii Judiciary Kids First Program, La Pietra School for Girls, Department of Consumer Affairs, 1997 - Present, Honolulu, HI
Dean, American School of Professional Psychology/Hawaii Campus, 1994- 1997, Honolulu, HI
Provost, Forest Institute of Professional Psychology, Honolulu, HI
Psychologist, The Fronk Clinic, 1983 - 1989, Honolulu, HI
See C.V. for complete list of experience
Professional Certifications, Activities, and Memberships
Certified Psychologist, State of Hawaii (1982 - Present)
Psychology Licensing Board (Vice-Chair), State of Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (1993-2001)
Psychology Advisory Committee, Regulated Industries Complaint Office, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (2001 - Present)
Commissioner: Honolulu City and County Commission on the Status of Women (1992 - 1997).
Consulting Editor, Professional Psychology (1994-2000)
Consulting Editor, Journal of Private Practice (1991 - 2000)
Distinguished Professional Service Award, Hawaii Psychological Association (1993)
Karl F. Heiser Presidential Award, American PsychologicalAssociation (1996)
Board of Directors, Secretary (1993), President (1997), The Hawaii Mental Health Center (1987 - 1997)
Board of Directors, Hospice Hawaii (1982 - 1987)
Hawaii Psychological Association:
Treasurer and Legislative Committee Coordinator (1985)
President Elect and Convention Chair (1986)
President (1987)
Past President and Legislative Committee Coordinator (1988)
Ethics Committee, Chair (1989 - 1993)
Past President (1992)
Convention Committee, Legislative Committee, and Prescription Privileges Task Force Member (1992 - 2000)
American Psychological Association
Liaison to American Psychological Association’s Ethics Committee (1989 - 1993)
APA Ethics Committee, Associate Member (1996 - 1998)
Council on Graduate Departments of Psychology (1989 - 1997)
National Council of Schools of Professional Psychology (1989 - 1997)
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Dr. Needels drops in on a wave in Namotu, Fiji…
Publications and Professional Conference Presentations
Needels, T.L. (1998). Ethical issues in the mentoring relationship. In R. Anderson, T. Needels, & H. Hall (Eds.), Avoiding ethical misconduct in Psychology specialty areas. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas
Needels, T.L. (1994). Feminist therapy II. In Raymond Corsini (Ed.), (1994) Encyclopedia of Psychology, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Needels, T.L. (1981) Women's athletics and innovation career choices. (Doctoral Dissertation, Duke University, 1981. Dissertation Abstraction International, 1981,81-24,808. (University Microfilms).
Professional Journal Articles
Blumenthal, J.A., Schocken, D.D., Needels, T.L., & Hindle, P. (1981). Psychological changes following physical exercise. Paper presented at the American College of Sports Medicine, Miami Beach, FL.
Blumenthal, J.A., Schoken, D.D., Needels, T.L., &. Hindle, P. (1982). Psychological and Physiological effects of physical conditioning on the elderly. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 26 (.5), 505-5 1 0.
Blumenthal, J.A., Williams, R.S., Needels, T.L., & Wallace, A.G. (1982). Psychological changes accompany exercise Psychosomatic Medicine . 44 (6), 519-521 .
Faue, M., Folen, R.A., James, L.C., & Needels, T.L. (1991). The Tripler Tobacco Cessation Program: Predictors for success and improved efficacy. Military Medicine,162,445-449.
Needels, T.L., & Bilanow, T. Power up your brain. Article printed in Psychology Today Magazine, August 2002, 44-52.
Professional Conference Presentations, Seminars, and Workshops
See C.V. for complete list